Trusted Advice For Over 30 Years In South-Central Indiana

About Law Offices of Paul D. Baugh, PC

I am Paul D. Baugh, a lawyer with more than 30 years of experience meeting the needs of clients throughout south-central Indiana. As the founder and solo attorney at the Law Offices of Paul D. Baugh, PC I am proud to offer a more personalized approach to the law.

When you enlist my help, you can expect me to personally handle all aspects of your case. You can also rely on me for direct, consistent communication and swift answers to your questions.

My strong legal background encompasses many areas of law, including family law, criminal defense, personal injury and basic estate planning. Learn more about my legal background by visiting the link below:

Active In The South Central Indiana Community

A lifelong resident of south-central Indiana, I am actively involved in professional and civic organizations. For example, I have served as:

  • An adjunct professor teaching business law
  • A volunteer attorney through the District 10 Pro Bono Project
  • A participant in drug diversion education programs such as INSPECT symposiums to lessen the impact of prescription drug abuse
  • A coach for various youth sports team
  • President of Richland Bean Blossom Youth Sports and a member of its board of directors for several years
  • An active member of St. Bartholomew Catholic Church

I was also featured as a prominent attorney in an article titled “Legal Leaders In Our Community,” published by H&L magazine in August 2014.

Discuss Your Case During A Free Consultation

With convenient office in Bloomington, my firm offers evening and weekend hours by appointment. Call 812-727-7013 to request your free initial consultation.