Operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) offenses are common criminal charges in Indiana. People involved in collisions and those who fail breath tests may end up arrested for impaired driving and prosecuted for an OWI offense. Those accused of breaking the...
Trusted Advice For Over 30 Years In South-Central Indiana
3 financial consequences of an OWI conviction in Indiana
An operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) charge is one of the most serious traffic violations in Indiana. When compared with a traffic ticket, an OWI is a very serious matter. However, people often think of OWIs as relatively minor criminal offenses, as when...
3 myths about getting sober quickly
You may find yourself in a situation in which you are too intoxicated to drive, but you are also unable to get home otherwise. Say that you brought your car to the bar. You could technically get a ride home from someone else or call a taxi, but then you’d have to...
Is a guilty plea the only option when accused of drunk driving?
Police officers across Indiana are constantly on the lookout for signs of drivers committing an operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) offense. Also known as drunk driving or driving under the influence (DUI) charges in other states, an Indiana OWI offense comes...
Common police errors in drunk driving cases
Drivers accused of getting behind the wheel after drinking or taking drugs often believe the evidence against them is overwhelming and mounting a defense is futile, but that is not necessarily true. Prosecutors in Indiana and around the country usually rely on breath...